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I'm sure most of you haven't heard about this, but there's a bill that's likely to be passed by the Ugandan government making it illegal to be homosexual, and could possibly lead to the death penalty. Uganda has a large percentage of their population infected with HIV/AIDS and they feel that making homosexuality illegal will slow the spread of the disease. I do not support this legislation, nor do I support the homosexual lifestyle. As a follower of Jesus Christ I do my very best to hate the sin an love the sinner. Feel free to google "Uganda Homosexual Bill" for more details.
The premise behind me writing this actually has little to do with this legislation, but everything to do with the man many have deemed "America's Pastor" Mr. Rick Warren. It amazes me that Mr. Warren seems to go out of his way to defend his own name in the homosexual community, but never seems to defend the name of Jesus Christ in the media. It angers me to no end how the media will capitalize on this to make it appear that the majority of "American Christians" are alright with just because "Rick Warren" condemns this bill. It doesn't make the situation any better when press releases and video's like the on above are circulated in the media...
"It's not my role to interfere with politics of other nations, my role is to speak out on moral issues" -Rick Warren
I have no problem with this statement, a Pastors role is to preach the Word of God and tend to the flock of his congregation. However, I do have a problem when there are moral issues in the U.S. that go unmentioned by "America's Pastor" Where was his statement when on the 3rd day of his presidency President Obama changed a policy to allow federal funding for international abortions? Where was the press release when the Hate Crimes Legislation passed which could fine and imprison those who preach what the Bible says about homosexuality? In 2 Tim 4:2 Paul Exhorts Timothy to Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and teaching. I believe all of us who call ourselves Christians, including Mr. Warren should heed this exhortation.
Yes, God DOES condemn all sex outside of marriage (1 Cor 6:9,10), but that's not the topic of the legislation mentioned. What does the word say about homosexuality? (Lev 18:22, Lev 20:13, Rom 1:26-31) to name a few. I wish Mr. Warren wouldn't skate around the issue and just call sin sin and not try to water down what the Bible says specifically about homosexuality.
BTW not sure if you caught it in the video but loving your neighbor as yourself is one of the great commandments, but I believe the Word says that to love the LORD your God with all of your heart, soul, and strength is the greatest commandment.
Lastly Mr. Warren said that he opposed anything that hinders HIS P.E.A.C.E plan. His P.E.A.C.E plan?? What about God's plan? I hope I'm not the only one who sees something wrong with this. Let's take a look at what Mr. Warren's P.E.A.C.E. plan stands for:
P: Promoting reconciliation
E: Equipping Ethical Leaders
A: Assisting the poor
C: Caring for the sick
E: Educating the next generation
Once again, there's absolutely nothing wrong with these these things they're all positive moral issues that we should be practicing as the Church of Jesus Christ. However, there's something missing. I've taken the liberty to make a few changes.
P: Preach the Gospel
E: Evangelize the nations
A: Assist the poor
C: Call sinners to repentance
E: Evangelize the nations some more
That looks a bit more like the P.E.A.C.E. plan that I read about in my Bible.
What it comes down to is this. We were here to glorify God. PERIOD. Even if our name is dragged through the mud, even if we have to set aside our own personal agenda (which we should be doing anyway as Christians) , even if we have to suffer, even if we have to give our lives. As Paul said to the Galatians, "For do I now persuade men or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ." Galatians 1:10
I must ask the question. Mr. Warren do you seek to please God or man? All of us who claim Christ as our Savior need to ask ourselves this same question because in the end it doesn't matter what men think of you, but what God thinks of you. We are to live our lives for Him and Him only.I don't know Rick Warrens' heart, only God knows that, but I do hear the word's that come out of his mouth. According to the scriptures out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45) With that said let us remeber to pray for Rick Warren and all of America's Pastors. So many have gone astray and are leading their flocks to destruction. Jesus warns us about these "hirelings" in John 10. We are truly living in the time where people are not enduring sound doctrine but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears are heaping up for themselves teachers, and are turning away from the truth and being turned aside to fables. But we MUST be watchful in ALL things, endure afflictions, and do the work of evangelists and fulfill our ministry. (2 Tim 4:3-5)Let us pray for God's mercy on all in these last days, and discernment to know the false from the true.
Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace in every way. The LORD be with you all
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